What is the Ephesian Fund?

The Ephesian Fund enables PCCs and individuals to fund evangelical ministries in England that hold to biblical and apostolic doctrine.

Donations to the Ephesian Fund can be earmarked for particular churches and ministries, which are signed up to the Ephesian Fund Basis of Faith.

We offer a secure means for individuals to give to their church (or other causes) and it will only be used to pay parish share if the Ephesian Fund is assured by the diocese that it will be used for orthodox purposes.

The Ephesian Fund derives its name from Paul’s encouragement to the Christians in Ephesus to root and build the church in and on the apostolic foundations they had received (Ephesians 2, verses 20-22). The Ephesian Fund is intended to provide a financial infrastructure that makes that possible at this time in the Church of England.

If you have questions, please see our Frequently Asked Questions or Contact Us.

Put your money where your heart is!

Give in good conscience

What the Bible says about Giving

Giving is part of Christian discipleship. Jesus commended the sacrificial giving of a widow (Mark 12:43), and Paul writes that ‘God loves a cheerful giver’ (2 Corinthians 9:7).

The discipline of Christian giving is something that should be practised after thought, prayer and measured consideration. It is appropriate that Christians give to causes and needs that are in keeping with their convictions. The Ephesian Fund is intended to help you in that discernment.

“But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.”

 2 Corinthians 8:7